CBT Nuggets Wireless Sharp Certification Package

Rls Date:.....Jan 19th 2007
Total CD:.....1CD
Type:.........Video Training


CBT Nuggets to prep you for the PW0-050 Exam.

You'll learn these things from the Wireless# videos:

* How does wireless work, and who sets the standards for wireless networking?
* How do ZigBee, WiMax, Bluetooth, Infrared, and other wireless technologies work? What are the uses and advantages of each?
* What does it take to set up a small wireless network?
* How do I allow clients to connect to my wireless network?
* What do I need to know about security before I set up my wireless network?
* How can I optimize my wireless network for the best possible performance?
* What do I do when things aren't working?

This release is intended for true knowledge junkies. This is just all of the videos from the CBT Nuggets release for the Wireless Sharp certification package. This is to prep you for the PW0-050 exam. Just watch the videos in order to prepare yourself for the exam.
Good Luck!


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